Lee Kyeong Jae Architecture  Projects  l k j a p 
is a Seoul-based design practice invested in merging utility and charm into the lineage of everyday architecture. We have honed our specialty in context-sensitive approach, carefully phased design process and serious value engineering, as to create fluidly cohesive environment that is genuine and user-oriented.

Our studio functions as a project-based task force, consorting with partners and consultants to take on sophisticated urban scale output. We strive to maintain stress-free & forward thinking work environment to stay in the now while serving greater purpose. For commissions, partnerships, or employment opportunities, send us an e-mail.

이경재건축사사무소는 양질의 설계를 통해 건축의 잠재력을 한계까지 끌어내는 일을 소명으로 생각합니다. 의뢰인의 보이지 않는 니즈까지 파악해, 균형잡힌 신축/증축/리모델링 사업방향을 제시하고, 기획/설계/시공에 이르는 사업의 전과정을 안전하게 관리해드립니다. 우리가 함께 계획하는 건축과 환경이 시간이 지나도 기분좋은 경험으로 남도록 매 프로젝트에 온힘을 집중합니다.

Lee Kyeong Jae    KIRA, RA, AIA, NCARB, M.Archis the principal architect at the LKJAP.  He is licensed in the U.S, where he won his first-in-the-lifetime paid commission, and in South Korea, where he was born and raised. He received his B.S in Architectural Engineering from Seoul National University DAAE and M.Arch from Yale School of Architecture . At Yale, working with Frank O. Gehry and Peter Eisenman in Advanced Design Studios has greatly intensified his resolve in design.

He teaches Algorithm Driven Design and Advanced Design Studios at Seoul National University and Hong Ik University School of Architecture,  and serves as the Seoul Metropolitan City Advisory Architect. His interest in trans-disciplinary creativity led to join research team at the SNUH Dept. of Medicine & Advanced Technology.

이 경 재   대표/건축사
예일대학교 건축대학원 졸업(미국, M.Arch)
서울대학교 공과대학 건축학과 졸업(B.S)

홍익대학교 건축도시대학, 겸임교수 現
서울대학교 건축학과, 겸임교수 現
서울대학교 캠퍼스기획설계위원 現
서울대병원 융합기술원 연구원 現
서울시건축산업연구원 선임연구위원 現
서울특별시 공공건축가 現

디자인 파트너
소피아 포르제츠카  Zofia Porzycka  B. Arch
하야시 고우쥬  Hayashi Koujyu  B.S,  M.S
박 정 현  Pak, Jeong Hyeon  B. Arch,  MSRED

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